Entries by SupportPay CEO

Choosing the “Best” Type of Divorce for Your Family

For many people, the word “divorce” is synonymous with bitter fighting over asset distribution and child custody rights in open court. Fortunately, that’s not the only type of divorce you could have. All 50 states now have no fault divorce. Started in California in 1970, this policy allows parties to divorce without the legal battle of […]

7 Inescapable Truths about Divorce (Guest Post)

This is a guest blog post by Elisabeth Stitt, a renowned parenting coach and author of “Parenting as a second language“.  It is possible to dissolve your marriage from your former spouse, but it is not possible – and never will be possible – to dissolve your co-parenting relationship.  She will always be your son’s […]

Communicating with Your Ex

Communicating with your ex after a separation or divorce can be an emotional minefield. One wrong step and you are at each other’s throats. Keeping open lines of communication is an essential part of co-parenting. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to keep communication with your co-parent as civil as possible.